The 2024 'end game' StereoCoffee LDR Passive Preamp Kit & ORDERING

Why can LDR Passive Preamplifiers (attenuators) sound so much better than most solid state or valve versions?
​Most preamplifiers use mechanical contacts for input selection or volume control using potentiometers. The StereoCoffee signal path is totally isolated from all mechanical contacts.
The volume level is controlled by an encapsulated Light Dependent Resistor (LDR). In simple terms, the LED side is physically isolated from the signal side LDR and the LED side changes its brightness through a potentiometer. The LDR acts as an attenuator that varies in resistance according to the current supplied by the Predictive Current Control Board that adjusts current to LED for optimum performance. The variation in resistance of the LDR controls the volume of the signal flowing through the LDR side, which is fed directly into the power amplifier.
Listening sessions quickly become addictive and the spacious 3D imaging of stringed and brass instruments together with voices have a degree of realism that is palpable.
NOT SURE YET? PLEASE ENQUIRE whether a shared 2025 LOAN StereoCoffee is available in your area.
The StereoCoffee Kit

I believe that everyone should have access to great sound.
That’s why I have created the StereoCoffee kit, a pre-wired, calibrated, and tested passive preamplifier.
Each kit comes complete with a power board, an LDR board, and is hand-wired.
The NEW Start/Finish circuits give you the ability to adjust subterranean bass and channel balance.
I also provide free technical assistance to ensure your experience is enjoyable.
Take the next step in audio enjoyment with StereoCoffee.
How LDR's Work - The signal is isolated from switch and pot

NOW AVAILABLE - ALL NEW 2024 StereoCoffee DIY kit with POWERFUL DYNAMICS and bass you won't believe possible.
The StereoCoffee has had a major 'end game' redesign to provide a new standard of audio quality and involvement, rarely achieved with ANY preamplifier, active or passive.
The unique, recently developed START and CONTINUE function allow fine tuning of the sub bass/low mid ratio to provide a more realistic musical experience with a larger range of power amplifiers and systems.
UPGRADES to previous designs but will require replacement circuit boards.
Chris Daly.

Customer Comments
A few more StereoCoffee Reviews
"just finished first listening session with the original board. Using special highly modded rega with dynavector 505 arm. Yes very impressed. Far superior to the Angel LDR and the Tortuga, and it bested my favourite passive which itself has bested many many active line stages. I think the best way to describe the sound is that is is very refined and accurate. Tonally very realistic, with a wonderfully silky top end. No shrill no distortion. Musical in a very natural unforced way. It just basically does not sound mechanical, it sounds like real music. . You have truly got it right.'
"I have had mine for only about 12 months and found Chris to be very generous with his time. His new Control Board is a big improvement on an already excellent product."
"An absolute bargain in my opinion, possibly one of, if not, my best bang for buck audio purchases."
"Brilliant Support"
"I've found Chris to be excellent to deal with. He is passionate about his work and he responds to emails very quickly. "
Single input Custom built StereoCoffee with remote/manual volume control by Special Order. Options available. Previous model shown.
Available with Single, double or triple inputs.

Three Input x One Output KIT
LDR Board (RCA sockets required)
NEW INTEGRATED Control Board and Power Supply
1 x Bourn Pot OR Remote Volume
1 x 3 Position Rotary Switch
NEW Continue Power Supply
PLEASE NOTE: Your Kit will be made to order so there may be a small delay in delivery.
This is the exciting new 2023, 3 stereo input, single stereo output, Light Dependent Resistor passive, LDR preamp kit WITH the ALL NEW START, CONTINUE, FINISH functions.
The kit comprises a main board that accepts power supply of 12vAC , an LDR board with 8 matched LDR's , a switch for the LDR anodes that enables contact-less signal switching, and a Bourns potentiometer or REMOTE potentiometer for volume adjustment.
You will need suitable casework and a two 12v AC supplies that can be 2 x 12v plugpack types or a dual 12AC tap toroidal transformer, quality RCA sockets and a connector/s for the 12vAC supply .
A set of screwdrivers, a soldering iron, good hookup wire, board standoffs, knobs for the potentiometer and input switch.
You are able to customise your preamp order.
The standard LDR board has 3 inputs but it is possible to have 1 input or more than 3 inputs using multiple LDR boards.
Please feel free to ask, if you have special requirements to suit your system.
All of this in a low price readily available audio kit with 24/7 customer support.
You could spend $10,000 on a preamp and possibly not get as good audio as this kit delivers, in fact we are certain. Which of course then leaves you money for buying the music you enjoy or using however you wish.
It doesn't get much better than this!